Instructional Coaching
Instructional Coaching & Feedback
Out of the 17 teachers I manage across the Humanities Department, I serve as the instructional coach for 10 of them. The other seven are coached by one of two department chairs. Each teacher at Muchin College Prep, no matter the years of experience, has an instructional coach. Coaching cycles run between one and two weeks depending on the level of coaching each teacher needs. Teachers are regularly observed in the classroom and are given feedback on those observations
Each week, teachers submit their weekly lesson plans for the upcoming week. I give them feedback based on the criteria communicated to teachers. Feedback trends are addressed in coaching meetings.
Data Meetings
In addition to individual coaching conversations, teaching teams also engage in data meetings once a week. During this time, teachers engage in one of three protocols: Looking at Student Work, Student Engagement Review, and Instructional Design. The protocol that will be implemented is agreed upon at the meeting the week before and is dependent on what teaching teams need the most at the moment.